Reading Process

Once the data from the Official Milk Control conducted by the official controllers is downloaded, the processing of this information is carried out

During the information incorporation process, a preliminary autocorrection is performed, where the most common errors are automatically corrected. This is done using a module specifically developed for this purpose.

⏩ The more complex errors, or those that require direct attention from other parties (such as the farmer or the controller), are resolved by the personnel of the Dairy Control Association. Currently, the percentage of barns that download correctly, either through the app’s filters or those processed by the self-checking process, is around 75%.

⏩ Once the integrity and validity of the downloaded information have been verified, it is ready to be cross-referenced with the analytics from the laboratory.

⏩ The data cross-referencing process between the Laboratory and AFCA data is performed automatically.

⏩ Subsequently, the data is sent to multiple destinations (farmers,