Reading process

Once the information is downloaded, it is processed along with other information obtained from various sources: Department, Conafe, etc.

Process Details:

Data Incorporation

  • Data Cleansing, verifying that they pass the filters created for this purpose.
  • Development of a Self-Correction module to rectify deviations recorded with the controller’s app.
  • Matching the samples taken with values from the analysis laboratory.
  • Issuing reports/emails with the results of the process.

Self-Correction System

The downloaded information may contain errors or inconsistencies. A procedure has been developed that monitors all the filters required by the system and automatically corrects those that are possible. This provides several advantages:

  • Reduction in reading times.
  • Reduction in human intervention, resulting in cost savings.
  • Error tracking to incorporate more filters into the Dairy Control App.
  • The possibility of generating outputs (lists/emails) automatically for readings that do not contain errors.